Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged!

OK...I've never been tagged by anyone before but was by finallyfreeinhim on her blog…so…here goes…

7 things (I would like) to do before I die:

1. Take a trip to Sturgis South Dakota.
2. Spend 3 months in Europe touring on a Harley.
3. Be Debt Free.
4. Totally own my own string of rental properties for revenue.
5. Use that revenue to live off and to help others.
6. Go on a missions trip.
7. Married with Children.

7 things I can’t do:

1. Eat Brussels Sprouts or Turnips.
2. Eat Bugs.
3. Be Fake.
4. Not Care.
5. Tell a joke with a straight face.
6. Lose Jesus.
7. Figure God out.

7 things that attract me to blogging:

1. An outlet to express myself.
2. A way to touch people’s lives.
3. A way to get to know people’s heart in a way I could never do in person.
4. Meeting people from all over that I would never meet otherwise.
5. Seeing God move.
6. Learning about the walks of others and reading their insights into faith and scripture.
7. Encouraging People in a way that I have only recently begun to understand.

7 things I say most often:

1. “Yabba Dabba Doo” (when I am bored or in an awkward moment)
2. “Dang”
4. “Excellent”
5. “It’s all Good”
6. “Lord Help Me God” (frequently)
7. “On the Upside” (yeah I am an optimist)

7 books I love:

1. The Bible. Yeah, I know what you are thinking…Christians always would say that…Just two points to consider:

  • There is no plan “B”

  • See number one. Repeat as necessary.

  • 2. My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. Read it. Its My Devotional. ‘nuff said.
    3. He Still Moves Stones by Max Lucado.
    4. Ok…pretty much everything by Max Lucado.
    5. Hind’s Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard.
    6. Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan.
    7. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.

    7 movies I watch over and over:

    1. The 13th Warrior.
    2. The Wild One.
    3. The Passion of the Christ.
    4. It’s a Wonderful Life.
    5. The Spirit of St. Louis.
    6. Ladder 49.
    7. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Cartoon Movie)

    7 people I want to join in too (you been tagged!)

    1. firestarter
    2. cwg
    3. laconiclogic
    4. minstrelmusings
    5. lt
    6. carebear
    7. nin


    Tina said...

    YAY! You're the first to respond to my tag request. Woo Hoo!

    Now, wasn't that fun?

    Janelle said...

    i would SOOOOOO join you at Sturgis!

    Nin said...

    Hey Moose, we all missed you last night. Be blessed :)

    BayouMaMa said...

    Ah, come on...eat a bug...just a little one. You could start with a chocolate covered ant. *chuckle*