Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Movie Night Update

Well I have had a coupla requests for reviews on the movie and one on the drink :)

Fun with Dick and Jane is corny. I will admit that. But, if you have a signicant other, bring them to it. It will make you want to pull them close to you through this movie I believe.

I went alone, but that is how I would feel.

This movie makes you realize how precious having someone in your life is and how even though you go through trials, how sticking it out really strengthens a relationship.

It was pretty clean, no sex, few expletives, and a very physical comedy appropo for Jim Carey.

Alec Baldwin plays a really easy to hate bad guy and plays it to the max. Being an Alec Baldwin fan, he reminded me of the part he played in the Cat in the Hat as well.

There is a part of the movie where Alec Baldwin is out hunting. It is Halarious what happens. That is all I am gonna say. You gotta see it, I laughed so hard!

There is another part where Jim Carey is on Money News. If you watch the movie look for it...notice what happens on the right side of the screen...it is really funny!

I was recommended to go see it, and I would recommend it as well.

It did take me a little off guard as it was not exactly what I expected from the outset of the movie.

That I like.

They mixed it up, in the beginning it was pretty believable, but some parts later in the movie are really out there.

All in all I would give the movie a hmmm...7.5 to 8 out of 10 stars.

It is entertaining and has a few great laughs.

Not as good as Bruce Almighty but coming up to it.

Here is all the skinny on the movie from the Internet Movie Database :


As for the Iced Skor Frappe, it was nummy. (Tough Biker word for tasty :) LOL!

As far as a Skor taste, it was a little on the weak side, but the overall flavor and texture was good. I would give it an 8.5/10 a really must try if you are waiting for the movie to start.

That is my review of the movie and the drink, such as it is :) Hope this helps those who asked :)

Still want to see King Kong...last weekend was the first at the cheap seats...Mabey this weekend...

For those who don't know King Kong was a project Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings) has always wanted to do his whole life. I imagine it is going to be good being his life's ambition and work. I am looking forward to seeing it one day...once again mabey this weekend...have to see...

Bless Yas!

1 comment:

Nin said...

My hubby and I totally want to see Kong too, but it's a little over three hours long! and I'm not sure if my poor back could handle that. I almost died when we saw the last Lord of the Rings. I had to get up every 10 minutes near the end.
Thanks for the movie review, I love movie reviews! I've wanted to see that movie since it came out, but we were waiting for it to hit the cheapee's. I enjoyed reading your last blog, I felt like I was a part of your night, even though you were flying solo. I loved Bruce Almighty, so much that I bought after seeing it twice in theaters! I laughed so hard at that part when Evan is doing his first news report, and Bruce twists his tongue. That was awesome...