Tuesday, August 16, 2005

So Amazed

I am blown away God.

I am amazed by Him. Not by what He has done, not by what He is going to do, but HIM.

I am amazed by a God whose love transcends all dimensions, time and space and yet FEELS.

When our mouths burst with praise, His heart rejoices.

When our hearts break with worship, His heart cries out to us.

A God who knows our every hurt, every happiness and our very being.

A God who calls us by name.

A God who answers by fire, and yet calls us in a still small voice.

What a God!

He designed a way to have fellowship with us and when we messed it up, it was HE not us who designed the solution to repair our relationship.

He sent His son.

Not one of our sons, HIS son.

So that we could have fellowship with Him.


He no longer calls us servants, but Friends, joint heirs with Christ.

And HE did all the work.

What did we do to deserve THAT?

Absolutely nothing.

He should of toasted us like so much marshmallow on an open fire.

But He didn't.

I can see what I would do in a situation like that. I would of zapped all those no good things I created. What heartache, what a disappointment. Good thing I am not God.

Mercy? No way. My creation rebels against me? I think not. That's it, Pack it in humanity, you are done. Fini, the End, Hosta La Vista Baby.

But not God.

While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. What kind of a God is that?


While we were cursing Christ on Golgotha, nailing God's boy, His pride and joy to a rough wooden cross, mocking Him, beating Him and tearing His body apart...

God whispers "this is how much I love you."


A God who literally left EVERYTHING to come down here and die for us.


But that is the thing that most amazes me.

His love.

The embodiment of Love. The very nature, the very source, the very essence of love.

"I am that I am"

And He is.

1 comment:

Trail Rider said...

I rejoice in agreement with you in the God that we serve!
That puts things all into perspective doesn't it!? That is why He is worthy. Worthy of what? To die....that is NOT too much to ask.