Friday, September 23, 2005

Gettin' Outta the Boat

Gettin' Outta the Boat

Well, I'm doing it...I am getting outta the boat.

Yup I am walking onto the water, heading to Jesus, and Stepping out in faith.

Sounds pretty strong and spiritually convincing right now eh?

Couldn't be further from the truth...

Knees are knockin', teeth are chattering, and I'm hyperventalating...

Ok...not quite that bad, but you get the point.

It is a big step to go from the known to the unknown.

Especially when it defies logic or in Peter's case good ol' fashioned physics.

But that is where God is.

He isn't in the boat, He is on the water.

"IF it is you Lord call me get out of the boat"

Geez what a silly question. Man talk about setting yourself up. Very predictable. You almost are on the sidelines shouting "Don't do it man!" You can see EXACTLY where this is going.

Like in horror movies, why is it that when the young starlet hears a noise she doesn't just stay in the safety of the house? Nope. Away she goes to check it out. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb. You just KNOW that is going to happen. You see it. Apparently she doesn't.

Peter didn't. So Jesus did.

Come on out. Man. Now Peter went and done it..had to put his faith where his mouth was.

And that is Exactly where Jesus wanted him.

Then Peter saw the wind and the waves. And started to dog paddle. The mouth that had put its faith were its mouth was was now gargling sea water.

Jesus Save Me!

I think it was more like gurgle, gurgle gasp, JESUS, gurgle, gasp, gasp, SAVE ME!

IMMEDIATELY Jesus reached out his hand. Good thing, because I suspect Peter wasn't treading water very well.

Just a bunny trail here...Seems unusual but a lot full time commercial fishermen don't know how to swim. Weird huh.

I used to room with a couple Newfie guys years ago, and they confided in me that most of them do not go swimming and most don't know HOW to swim. It is just not done. Blew my mind.

Just like a lot of people from the Midwestern U.S. don't appear go to the lake...I asked a buddy of mine what lakes they go to in the states. He commented "Why would you "go" to the lake? What exactly would you "do" there?" Wild.

Imagine being that close to water your whole life and not thinking you might have to get into it someday.

Anyways...BIG bunny trail there.

Point is...walking on the water, me, Jesus, the whole enchilada.

Part of me is like AWESOME! Walking on the water. The cutting edge of faith, another daring adventure, Hooray!

Another part of me is going "Don't do this to me Jesus, I love my nicely warmed up seat in the boat. Hey I had a good place picked out there. I don't care that it is pitching in the wind like a tilt-a-whirl, It is safe here. Or is it?

Jesus is saying "who told you I wanted you to play it safe?"

So this weekend I am hopping onto the water, getting outta the boat, and secretly hoping it froze up since I looked at it last.

And heading to Jesus...

Wish me luck...better yet, pray for me. I just MIGHT need that.



BayouMaMa said...

Loved this post! I felt like I was watching it happen! Step out Brother...but remember to keep your eyes on Jesus! :-)

Moose said...

Thanks for the encouragement sister. I sure am trying to keep my eyes on the mean Prize :) which is Jesus! -Moose