Sunday, November 27, 2005

A Friend has Died...

A Friend has died.

Lisa Chaboyer was a friend of mine who was like a sister to me when I lived in Thompson Manitoba.

She was a cab driver.

On Saturday November 26, 2005 at 1:00 in the morning she picked up a fare who stabbed her to death.

This (these) coward (s) is (are) still on the run, police have not caught anyone yet.

Police say that she put up a fight.

I have seen Lisa fight. She fought like a guy, man could she throw a punch.

I think it had to be someone really strong or more than one person. At any rate this is just semantics right now.

My friend is dead and I do not know if she knew the Lord.

God I pray she did.

I had not seen her in over 15 years, but yet I feel profound guilt at not sharing the Lord with her.

God I wish I did.

I know she had not been on my mind or had I even thought about her for all these years, maybe a couple times when talking with old friends from Thompson.

But I cannot shake a lack of responsibility for sharing Jesus with her.

I pray that God put someone in her path to do that.

Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, No One comes to the Father (God) but by me”  

His words, not mine. According to Jesus all paths do not necessarily lead to heaven.

“For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that Whosoever shall believe on Him shall be saved” John 3:16

God I hope she made that decision to be saved. I have faith that God gave her every chance to make that decision.

God does not want any one to perish, but if anyone decides not to accept Jesus, God’s only path, they have decided to go to Hell.

He provided a way to heaven. I pray that Lisa chose God.

If she did not choose God, she had then chose Hell by default.

I wish I had led her to Him.

This just makes me more convinced that there is little time in deciding to live for God.

Our next breath is not certain. We could walk out the door today and be hit by a car, whatever.

Where are we going to spend eternity?

This is serious stuff.

If God asked you why should I let you into my heaven what would you say?

Could you answer Him?

“I have lived a good life. I am a good person”

Jesus said “All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God”

Again, His words not mine.

So if all have sinned, than being good enough is not good enough.

It is something else.

I am convinced it is WHO you KNOW.

In the book of Revelations, Jesus says, “In those last days they shall say, “Did we not cast out demons in your name? Did we not heal the sick” and I will say to them away from me for I never KNEW you”

Do you KNOW Jesus? Do you have a Relationship with Him? Do you accept what He has done for you by dying for you to pay for your sin enough that you will live for Him and give your life to Him, all control and all your will?

God I hope so.

When God asks why should He let me into His heaven, I will have only one answer.

You shouldn’t.

I have not done anything worthy of being let into heaven on my own deeds.

The only reason I should be let into heaven is because of that man right there, the man with the scars on His hands, on His feet, a wound on His side, and scars on His head.

The man who bled and died for me so that I could have eternal life.

I will know Jesus. I will recognize Him. I know His heart and He knows mine. I have a RELATIONSHIP with Him.

It was not what I have done that grants me to access heaven.

It is what HE has done.

I will say “That man bled and died for me. That man PAID for my life with His.”

“That man owns my life. Not me. Ask Him”

Satan will hiss, he is mine. I claim him. Look at what he has done with his life. Look at his failures, look at how he has sinned in his life. How can you let him into heaven?

God will then ask Jesus if I am His, If this is true.

And I KNOW that Jesus will reply:

“This one is mine. I love Him Father so much I died for him. Yes everything Satan has said is true. Apart from me you should not let him into heaven, however, because he has chosen to love me, to believe in me for his salvation by faith and has chosen to lay his life down for Me and make ME Lord, MY blood has ransomed Him from Satan and he is no longer the property of the enemy. He is under MY grace, and under MY mercy, MY blood has covered all his sins, I know him by name, he is my friend and my brother, joint heirs with ME and his name is written in MY book of life. He is mine for I have Redeemed Him and Satan you have no claim on him!”

I know that God will let me into His kingdom not because of what I have done, but because of what Jesus has done. Jesus conquered death by His resurrection.

Jesus is the only one that is not still in His grave. Mohammed is, Buddha is, Joseph Smith is, every atheist, agnostic, and ungodly is, Einstein, Darwin, and Freud still are too.

Jesus is the resurrection and the life by what He has done. He has conquered death. He has the keys to Death and Hades. Satan is defeated.

I believe this by faith. I have made a decision.

If you haven’t please do before it is too late.

If you have, please tell others before it is too late.

It may have been too late for Lisa. I do not know.

It is not too late for you.

Choose wisely.

Blessings  -Moose


Nin said...

wow, a very harsh reality we walk in. So many of us choose to dismiss it, but we all know it's there. I pray that this tragedy that happened with your friend, spurs us all on to walk in a greater and BOLDER faith. Thank you for sharing your convictions with us, may we all walk in the change that's needed in us all. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Ryan said...

Hey Moose!
Great post man. We really dont have a choice hey! its a matter of life and death if you think about it...
Keep up the challenge bro!


Moose said...

Thanks for the encouragement guys, much appreciated more than you know. Blessings -Moose

BayouMaMa said...

I am so sorry to hear about her tragic death. Death is sad enough without it having to be so brutal. God saw...His judgement will be upon whoever did this.

But the truth is, we are all under judgement before we accept Christ. "Condemned" the Bible tells us. I am so grateful that someone took the time to explain to me that I didn't have to be "condemned"...but that I could be "redeemed!"

Like you, I am sad that perhaps Lisa never accepted this truth. But if you were the one God had planned to speak to her, then you would have been the one who would have spoken to her. Don't beat yourself up about it.

What you've done here is a good thing...I think God-ordained. You used your grief...what the enemy meant for evil...and did something good...for the glory of God. Even if just one person reads it and accepts it as truth...that's one soul that is no longer condemned. But I'm not telling you something you don't already know. :)

Blessings to you Moose!