Friday, November 04, 2005



I am feel like I am doing that right now in my life.

What a good picture.

I am the water, God is the teabag. (ok…just for this analogy…)

I am physically and fundamentally being changed by heat (trials) and God’s Essence transforming me from one thing to another.

God is inside of me, changing me, transforming me.

And it ain’t pretty some days.

This weekend I go to steep in God’s presence.

A friend of mine has graciously offered to let me stay up at his cabin for the weekend.

A guitar, a bible, and God.

To be still and know that I am God.

A time for me to listen and respond, and sort out a few things.

Do I have questions? Boy do I ever, but I am trusting He has the answers.

I really want God to change my heart. I love intimacy with God. It is so refreshing.

I just don’t like the pain that happens sometimes.

But, just like a doctor has to cause pain to remove a cancer, God sometimes has to cause pain to heal us.

But when the cancer is gone, oh what relief, joy, peace, and knowledge that you are right where God wants you.

“All things work to the Good for those who love God”

Some of those things that happen are not necessarily good, but in the end, they will be.

I am reminded of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

The children thought that it would be grand to run and play with Aslan.

One of the children asked Mrs. Beaver if Aslan was safe.

Oh no she replied. Aslan is not safe. He is the King of the whole wood.

…But He is Good.

I will go through the pain to experience that.

I believe that while embracing Jesus, God my Father and the Holy Spirit is not necessarily safe to my flesh…

…it will be good, and it will be healing.

Please pray for me.

Thanks and Blessings,


Trail Rider said...

We will be lifting you up bud, use this time to baste in God's goodness and love for you and come back well done ;)

BayouMaMa said...

God is doing a good thing in you. I enjoy reading how you embrace these changes and love your honesty. I hope your weekend is as refreshing as a tall glass of ice cold tea.

Chelsea said...

Thank you so much for the encouragement! We all need it every once in a while. God just keeps on speaking into my life through people about worship and my connection to God through it. It has been said by a few that I will bless people through worship, people will receive healing, I will sing healing over people through worship. Thank you for reminding me that I have something special. Sometimes it's so easy to overlook the things that others are wowed at. Thanks be to our Almighty God! One day I'll have time to read your blog and encourage you I hope!