Ramblings of a 50 something year old guy trying to figure out life and trying to make sense of his world.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Haven't been 'round these parts lately...
Summer is the season and sitting around in the house on the computer really is not as attractive as it was in the winter :) Still working at my regular job at Leah Brisdon & Associates Century 21 Dome Realty Limited in Marketing and Advertising and have recently picked up another weekend job as well working with a couple really neat people in their home in a support capacity. (Thanks Tim at Saskatchewan Abilities Initatives) been a little busier now... seems most of my time is thrown into just living and the day to day stuff...
Hmm what other things have happened... my favorite team, the Calgary Flames are out of the Stanley cup running... and I find myself cheering for the Edmonton Oilers... kinda feels like Darth Vader going over to the dark side if you understand these two teams rivalry :)
So getting excited about football season again... Hopefully the Roughriders will win the Grey Cup this year...
Still have not been able to get my Harley back together again... engine is still in the shop after It blew up on a road trip a while back... so just waiting to have the cash to get that out and been thinking of selling it and buying a Honda... seriously... to be a Harley guy to make a decision like that well... see the Darth Vader comment above LOL... tired of sitting out Spring riding because of a busted bike... would love to just throw my leg over my bike and ride every year... so been thinking about that... I really do miss the therapeutic side of riding motorcycle...
What else to say... hmm... gotta mow my jungle outside... before I lose my dog in it... got a new cat named Felix about a month or so ago... he is 5 months old... totally black with a few wisps of white on his chest... what a handful... like having a monkey around the house... it is nice now for my other cat to have a buddy around as I am not so as much and basically pay my mortgage to have a place to sleep LOL...
Oh well... that is about as colorful as my life is right now... lots of other things to share... but mabey that is for another day...
God Bless,
Monday, March 27, 2006
Off the blogger map lately...
In my life lately I have been up to lots, but just not on blogger lately...kinda figured I better add something before this thing vaporizes :)
Things that have been going on in my life lately...hmmm...
Well...after 6 illustrious years, I now have resigned for 5 more years of house debt, yes my mortgage papers did arrive...got a great new rate and it is locked in at better than prime for the next 5. So...I still have a place to live for the next while :) Thats good...
Actually my whole financial picture is looking a little brighter lately...
Might be starting a new job soon, spending time with handicapped people at their homes, had the job interview and that went well...
Gonna be different holding down two jobs, but the financial gain is going to tremendous.
Still working out at the gym early mornings, thats been going great. It feels good to be getting back into shape and the energy levels coming into work in the morning makes ya really want to get at it...
Hmm...what else...got to hang with TangoSierra this weekend...did guitar tech for them, had the best seat in the house and got to help out.
Their songs Ballad of Birmingham, Why Baby Why, and Just a Man have been playing on the local radio stations as well as those across Canada. Pretty cool stuff.
Saturday I slept in...Got home late from helping load the gear for the band and Saturday evening went to a Steak supper with some friends and shot some pool...it was nice to relax.
Spring is here so I am getting the bug to get my Harley back together and get riding again. This weekend was the bike show, I missed it, but heard a couple guys were already riding around Toon town...
Memo to self...get building the bike...
Hopefully be getting the Harley back together or started this weekend Lord willing...see what happens...
Was good this weekend to get to visit with friends and people from my church I hadn't visited with for a bit...was really cool...
Anywhoo...thats whats up in my life right now...
God Bless,
Monday, March 13, 2006
Japanese IQ Test...
This is a test some Japanese applicants have to take when applying for a job in Japan.
Dunno if that is true, but this is a fun puzzle :)
The object of the game is to get everyone across the river.
Click on link, and then click on the big blue circle. Use the rules below.
"Everybody has to cross the river". The following rules apply:
· Only 2 persons on the raft at a time
· The father can not stay with any of the daughters, without their mother's presence
· The mother can not stay with any of the sons, without their father's presence
· The thief (striped shirt) can not stay with any family member, if the Policeman is not there Only the Father, the Mother and the Policeman know how to operate the raft.
To start click on the big blue circle on the right. To move the people click on them. To move the raft click on the pole on the opposite side of the river.
This can be done in 17 moves. The solution is in the comments if you need the answer :)
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Me an' King Kong...
Fourscore and Thirty years ago...oops wrong speech...
Well haven't seen King Kong yet...who would like to go? Seriously, its at the cheap seats...lemme know...it is 3 hours long I hear :)
Been a busy week...lots happening in my life...and speaking of King Kong, been working out now...hows that for a graceful sagueway LOL...NOT!
Which reminds me of a joke..whats a Henway? About 5 pounds LOL...sorry bout that... :)
Anyways...Been getting up at 5:30 every morning for the last 3 weeks...working out and trying out various gyms in the city...its been good, I've got that wonderful Run over by a Mack Truck feeling and I feel fine :)
My training buddy Wilf is awesome, the guy has probably forgotten more in his last 45 years of training than most trainers in the gyms know. What a blessing to be learning from this guy.
I have trained to the extreme twice in my lifetime and achieved my goals, this time I am making this a way of life and gonna knock my goals outta the park.
The early mornings are killers considering I am a night owl, but lo, unto the Moose, it was good.
The feeling of walking into work all pumped for the day with muscles burning and energy peaking is just unbelievable and I would not trade it for the world.
Just trying to decide where to take out a membership...
The City of Saskatoon leisure pass is the cheapest getting you into the Field House, Harry Bailey and ALL the PADDLING Pools for $35 a month LOL!, but I gotta admit I love all the new stuff at Mawson's Fitness Center.
I worked out at Fitness Focus just down from my work and I enjoyed that as well. They have a little older equipment, stuff a lot newer than the Field house, but LOTS of it and really good stuff, and I can work out then have a shower and just come right down to work.
Wilf my trainer has also taught me many exercises I can do at my house with equipment totalling less than $50...all lightweight stuff with Huge gains...as well as a walking routine for cardio.
Essentially all weightlifting and training involves is the stretching of muscles by resistance, pushing, pulling, stretching, and here is my big word for today, a funky word called abduction (not the alien version :)
This mixed with cardio, the stretching exercises give you mobility and endurance as well as strength.
This is so you don't end up with being a gorilla that has limited mobility and can only swing vines and not climb trees (ok...WEAK analogy., pardon the pun)
So far I have lots 10 pounds in 3 weeks...pretty good results so far, but far from where I want to be...I want to get my V shape back when my lats, arms and chest were huge but my gut wasn't LOL...I was 334 when I started, now am at 324 as of this morning...shooting for 265 of muscled swartzenager man mass...(sorry folks, thats the left over testosterone speaking LOL)
Gotta admit, that burning sensation after a workout is like an old friend I lost contact with.
I used to be addicted to that burning feeling and could not live without it...mabey one day I should post a pic when I was at my prime if I can find it...its ok folks, I am wearing a shirt in the pic :) and its ok...I have absolutely NO Clue where it is LOL
So here I go again...this time no turning back...aint gonna stop until, like well...never hopefully, hopefully I can do this for the rest of my life, no, I Will do this for the rest of my life...I gotta...
I am 38 and this is my last real shot, from what I understand to make it and have the skin and muscle tighten back before it is too late.
I am looking forward to reasonably the same energy levels I enjoyed when I was slim and the feeling of health that accompanied it.
All that changed a few years ago when I had a bad bike wreck. (translation: BIG OWIE)
A guy in a cage (bikerspeak for car) decided that I did not need the particular piece of pavement that I was riding on. Turns out he wanted to drive his car on the SAME piece of pavement. JUST as I had started to cross it, he pulled out right in front of my Harley-Davidson Sportster (copyright, registered trademark), right in front of my tire.
I remember saying to my self...Self :) whatdaheck is a Oldsmobile Delta88 logo with attached fender AND attached CAR doing in front of my bike...
Deep Breath, Surrealistic Awareness, Panicked Freakout!
Whammo...Ya haven't lived until ya seen a FLYING Moose...LOL...Rocky and Bullwinkle got nothin on me LOL! Flying squirrels HA! I laugh at flying squirrels! I became a living LAWN DART... skypavement skypavement skypavement...THUD BANG CRASH!
What a rush!...I wanna do that again!...can I do that again? Please, can I, can I, huh? NOT! MAn THAT sucked! (Can you sense the sarcasm just a lil bit?)
If you have a motorcycle wreck on your list of things to do before Jesus comes, CROSS IT OFF! It ain't as fun as it LOOKS!
So...ater the dust, followed by my motorcycle, and Me had crash landed from Jupiter...I had another knee and a spulittin headache...
I remember saying to my self...after setting my leg (which felt like it weighed a ton!), WHEN the shock wears off, THIS is REALLY gonna HURT!
And yea, lo when the Moose went unto the Saint of Paul's hospital, lo the pain, it did hurt... :)
BOY did it hurt...
Hurt so bad it laid me up from August straight through to January...even had to learn how to walk again...that took some doin...FUN!
And thats where the forward protusion upon my abdominal musculacar, and the accompanying pounds came from...
And lo the Moose was found with a tummy :) LOL...
Oh well...that was then, this is now...
Doing sometin about that...
Because I can. Because I choose to. Because I have to for me.
My Trainer buddy wants me to take some pics of me now (and potentially break a perfectly good camera) so I can compare them when I get sexy LOL...(see Shrek 2 for the reference to that one :)
Hopefully I can have as stunning a turnaround as an old donkey to a white stallion...we will see...
Which reminds me of one of my favorite jokes in that movie:
Shrek, Donkey and Puss are in the bar, bartender (the ugly stepsister) says to Donkey, now a horse, "Hey, why the long face?" LOL...I love it! Some of you will get that one, some will not...email me for the explaination...also: See vaudville / slapstick humor for reference.
And so on that note, gotta go...me and King Kong are hitting the weights, I am spotting for him :)
Bless Yas,
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Movie Night Update
Fun with Dick and Jane is corny. I will admit that. But, if you have a signicant other, bring them to it. It will make you want to pull them close to you through this movie I believe.
I went alone, but that is how I would feel.
This movie makes you realize how precious having someone in your life is and how even though you go through trials, how sticking it out really strengthens a relationship.
It was pretty clean, no sex, few expletives, and a very physical comedy appropo for Jim Carey.
Alec Baldwin plays a really easy to hate bad guy and plays it to the max. Being an Alec Baldwin fan, he reminded me of the part he played in the Cat in the Hat as well.
There is a part of the movie where Alec Baldwin is out hunting. It is Halarious what happens. That is all I am gonna say. You gotta see it, I laughed so hard!
There is another part where Jim Carey is on Money News. If you watch the movie look for it...notice what happens on the right side of the screen...it is really funny!
I was recommended to go see it, and I would recommend it as well.
It did take me a little off guard as it was not exactly what I expected from the outset of the movie.
That I like.
They mixed it up, in the beginning it was pretty believable, but some parts later in the movie are really out there.
All in all I would give the movie a hmmm...7.5 to 8 out of 10 stars.
It is entertaining and has a few great laughs.
Not as good as Bruce Almighty but coming up to it.
Here is all the skinny on the movie from the Internet Movie Database :
As for the Iced Skor Frappe, it was nummy. (Tough Biker word for tasty :) LOL!
As far as a Skor taste, it was a little on the weak side, but the overall flavor and texture was good. I would give it an 8.5/10 a really must try if you are waiting for the movie to start.
That is my review of the movie and the drink, such as it is :) Hope this helps those who asked :)
Still want to see King Kong...last weekend was the first at the cheap seats...Mabey this weekend...
For those who don't know King Kong was a project Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings) has always wanted to do his whole life. I imagine it is going to be good being his life's ambition and work. I am looking forward to seeing it one day...once again mabey this weekend...have to see...
Bless Yas!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Bored....Hangin out...
Well, after driving around for about an hour tonite, trying to decide what to do...
Usually I hang out at my brother Chuck's place and eat burgers and watch movies, but he is out of town for the weekend...
What the heck to do that won't get me in trouble?
Scooted by the church nutin happenin there, by work to check my emails to see when that Bridges on 20th Street thing started...dang...too late...
So I drove around town, after another momental snowfall, sliding around, enjoying the warmth of the car...
Drove over the Sid Buckwold bridge, whoever Sid Buckwold is...cruised down 8th street and checked out the sites and sounds...
Hey, I said to myself...Self...I wonder if King Kong is playing...it is 9:00 at night, usually movies start after 9:00...well...parked the car and came in...Nope
A big No way on King Kong...but friends of mine said that Fun with Dick and Jane was a good movie...so...I bought a ticket...cheap seats at the Rainbow...oh buht yo!
Dang...starts at 9:50...now what to do...
Feel like that guy on the song "Another Saturday night and I ain't got no money, got some money but I just got paid, now I wish I had someone to talk to...I'm in an awful way"
LOL!...pretty bad when your social life reads like a bad song...sheesh...
Oh well...so here I am wondering what the heck am I gonna do for 50 minutes or so...
So I said to myself...Self...lets go to Jimmy Java for a Iced Skor Frapp...whatever the heck that is...sounds tasty...
So here I was sitting and I looked over...hmmm...computer screens...
I then said to myself...yah you guessed it...Self...hey there aint no one else around to talk to...or least that I know...
So I said to myself...computer screens...tasty...I can kill LOTS of time with a computer...so I bought a 1/2 hour to kill some time...
So here I am waiting for the movie to start, killing time and talking to a computer...LOL I am losing it...
Live on Location from Jimmy Javas...LOL
So I hope this movie Fun with Dick and Jane is good...I hear it is...it stars Jim Carey, who I don't normally watch but just got to see Bruce Almighty and even though I was really worried about how sacriligious it would be, I really enjoyed...so here goes...
Should be interesting...
We will see...
Well...got 10 minutes...gotta get some popcorn and munchies...find a seat...
Bless yas,
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
I have not Fallen off the Face of the Planet...
Yes, it has been a month since I have posted anything on my blog.
My life has been pretty crazy lately and I haven’t really had the time to do so.
So here goes…
A lot has happened…where to start?
Ahh yes, the beginning…
“In the Beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth” –The Bible
Ok…mabey not THAT far back…
In a previous blog I mentioned that I had gone to Winnipeg to visit my inlaws who have really been there for me and still love me as a son in spite of the mess with the separation from my wife.
I had a vision before I left, a while before Christmas of a mountain.
I had prayed with a friend of mine who is one of my accountability partners about possibly going to Lloydminster, Saskatchewan & Alberta (town straddles the border – long story lookit up on Wikipedia…) to help a friend set up a biker church.
The vision I had of the mountain was forgiveness for my wife who had left me high and dry financially, emotionally, and physically and had relocated to another city, namely Calgary, Alberta with another guy.
This mountain was so high I could not see the top of it, clouds obscured the summit and it seemed impossible that I could ever scale it.
On my way back from Manitoba God spoke to my heart and said “Do you want Marianne back in your life or Back in my Kingdom”
I cried out to God I want her back in Your kingdom, if that is the choice I have to make I choose your kingdom.
God then told me that if that is what is in my heart that I would have to let Him help me to forgive Marianne.
I felt something break in my heart and in the coming days I could see that He had given me His heart for Marianne.
This heart was not Phileo (Friendship Love) or Eros (Sexual Love) but He had put His heart of Agape (Unconditional God Love) in my heart.
He gave me a burden for my wife to come back to Him and to see her redeemed from her bondage to her mental sickness, alcoholism, and adultery. He gave me a burden to pray that she would forgive herself and God gave me a mission to love her unconditionally with the love that He has for her.
I wish I could say it has all been easy, but it has not. However, God has been pouring in and building in me peace, joy, and faith ever since.
I cannot explain how much freedom comes with that forgiveness, it is truly amazing the power of God that was released with I released Marianne to Him.
I know that God is working in Marianne’s life and I know that God has been speaking to her heart, in that still small voice calling her back to Himself.
It is now up to her to listen.
God has shown me that as her husband I was beating myself up for failing as the Priest in our home and as the head of the house I felt that I failed because my wife fell away from the Lord.
He has since shown me that I am responsible for my actions now. Marianne has joined herself to another and I am no longer the covering for her. She has divorced me in her heart. She has rejected me as the head of our house and has joined herself to another.
I have taken responsibility for my actions and now she must take responsibility for hers, but that is not my responsibility to change her it is now in God’s hands and in her will.
By releasing her to God and forgiving Marianne, I have inadvertently now given God the freedom to do something in her life. When I was in Unforgiveness, Bitterness, Pain and Anger he could not. I was literally stopping God’s hand.
I prayed with a pastor friend of mine about Marianne and after not hearing from her for months she called me. It was quite amazing actually.
She is getting some treatment for her mental disability, and has been calling regularily ever since.
God has since shown me another vision of me standing on a plain, looking back at the mountain of forgiveness From the Other Side.
By forgiving and releasing Marianne to God, it seems that God has been able to release me from my bondages of anger, pain, bitterness and Unforgiveness.
It is truly remarkable actually.
So where am I now…
Well…in the wake of all this God has not shown me if I am to get back with Marianne or not.
In fact, God has been quite silent on the issue.
He has been illuminating my path of faith just a foot in front of my feet it seems, just enough to follow, but not enough to see where I am going…
I guess that is what is called walking in faith…
God has not given me any direction but to follow His light and trust that His plans for me are for good and not for evil and are to give me a future and a hope.
So this is where I walk.
God has also told me to stand in faith and dig in as I march.
There is a movie I love to watch, it is not a Christian movie by any stretch of the imagination, but has a lot of cool analogies in it.
The movie is called The Thirteenth Warrior and stars Antonio Banderas an outcast from the middle east who is exiled to be an ambassador in other countries.
Antonio’s character encounters a group of Vikings who get called upon to protect a village on the outskirts of Norseland that is being ravaged by a warring barbarian tribe.
I was asking the Lord one day what is my purpose in my life? What am I to do now that Marianne and I am not together, that it looks like she is going to go ahead with the divorce in April, and that financially everything looks a mess.
His exact words were to stand.
When you have done all to stand, stand therefore, submit to God, resist the devil and he shall flee from you.
He gave me this image in my mind from the Thirteenth Warrior of the Viking King in the movie, after the Calvary had broke through the walls and was stampeding through the village, how the Viking King grabbed a large sharpened pole, jammed it into the ground and stomped his foot on it and how he called another Viking to do the same and Antonio Banderas’ character to do the same.
Antonio you can tell is nervous, 3 guys standing with sharpened poles facing off against a stampeding horse calvary barreling down on them, but something happens…

He looks at the Viking King who stands so brave and courageous and does not flinch and is such an example that Antonio gets inspired that he can actually do this, as crazy as it sounds, this will work because the Viking King is being the example, he is doing it first, and he is unflinching, stoic, and there is no doubt. This will work.

Antonio gets courage from his leader and in doing so these 3 men avert an entire calvary.
God explained it to me this way.
I am like the Viking King. Stand. Watch. Take Courage for I am with you. Look to me. Take your courage from me. I know what I am doing and even though everything looks crazy in the natural, I am with you. Let me strengthen you. Stand with me and this army that flies against you will fall. Do not look with eyes of fear and the flesh, look with MY eyes of strength and Spirit for your strength and power will come from me. Look to me. I will win the battle. Stand and I will deliver you.
Do not be afraid or be discouraged, go out and face the foe tomorrow, for I AM your God. I will be with you, do not be dismayed. You will not have to fight this battle, stand firm and see the deliverance I will bring you my child I love. Look with my eyes of faith, not with your own. See what I see, look to what I look. Walk on the water with me and I will be with you.
A lot of things have been swirling around me, a lot of things in the natural right now and in the flesh look hopeless, but God has not called me to look to those things, He has called me to look AT HIM. To follow Him and to obey Him. He is building faith in me that could not be built any other way.
Though He slay me yet will I serve Him. I am a Bondslave who wishes not to leave His master and chooses to love Him no matter what.
How am I doing?
In the words of Ernest Shackleton:
Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922), the invincible Antarctic explorer whose fame came from his expeditions -- none of them successful -- to reach the South Pole.
I am walking by faith…it is all I can do…
God Bless,
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Faceless Man - Creed
I spent a day by the river
It was quiet and the wind stood still
I spent some time with nature
To remind me of all that's real
It's funny how silence speaks sometimes when you're alone
And remember that you feel
It's funny how silence speaks sometimes when you're alone
And remember that you feel
Again I stand, Lord I stand,
against the Faceless Man
Again I stand, Lord I stand,
against the Faceless Man
Now I saw a face on the water
It looked humble but willing to fight
I saw the will of a warrior
His yoke is easy and His burden is light
He looked me right in the eyes
Direct and concise to remind me
To always do what's right
He looked me right in the eyes
Direct and concise to remind me
To always do what's right
Again I stand, Lord I stand,
against the Faceless Man
Again I stand, Lord God I stand,
against the Faceless Man
'Cause if the face inside can't see the light
I know I'll have to walk alone
And if I walk alone to the other side
I know I might not make it home
Again I stand, Lord I stand,
against the Faceless Man
Again I stand, Lord I stand,
against the Faceless Man
Next time I see this face I'll say
I choose to live for always
So won't you come inside
And never go away
Next time I see this face I'll say
I choose to live for always
So won't you come inside
And never go away
Again I stand, Lord I stand,
against the Faceless Man
Again I stand, Lord I stand,
against the Faceless Man
Again I stand, Lord I stand,
against the Faceless Man.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
I've been tagged!
OK...I've never been tagged by anyone before but was by finallyfreeinhim on her blog…so…here goes…
7 things (I would like) to do before I die:
1. Take a trip to Sturgis South Dakota.
2. Spend 3 months in Europe touring on a Harley.
3. Be Debt Free.
4. Totally own my own string of rental properties for revenue.
5. Use that revenue to live off and to help others.
6. Go on a missions trip.
7. Married with Children.
7 things I can’t do:
1. Eat Brussels Sprouts or Turnips.
2. Eat Bugs.
3. Be Fake.
4. Not Care.
5. Tell a joke with a straight face.
6. Lose Jesus.
7. Figure God out.
7 things that attract me to blogging:
1. An outlet to express myself.
2. A way to touch people’s lives.
3. A way to get to know people’s heart in a way I could never do in person.
4. Meeting people from all over that I would never meet otherwise.
5. Seeing God move.
6. Learning about the walks of others and reading their insights into faith and scripture.
7. Encouraging People in a way that I have only recently begun to understand.
7 things I say most often:
1. “Yabba Dabba Doo” (when I am bored or in an awkward moment)
2. “Dang”
4. “Excellent”
5. “It’s all Good”
6. “Lord Help Me God” (frequently)
7. “On the Upside” (yeah I am an optimist)
7 books I love:
1. The Bible. Yeah, I know what you are thinking…Christians always would say that…Just two points to consider:
2. My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. Read it. Its My Devotional. ‘nuff said.
3. He Still Moves Stones by Max Lucado.
4. Ok…pretty much everything by Max Lucado.
5. Hind’s Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard.
6. Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan.
7. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.
7 movies I watch over and over:
1. The 13th Warrior.
2. The Wild One.
3. The Passion of the Christ.
4. It’s a Wonderful Life.
5. The Spirit of St. Louis.
6. Ladder 49.
7. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Cartoon Movie)
7 people I want to join in too (you been tagged!)
1. firestarter
2. cwg
3. laconiclogic
4. minstrelmusings
5. lt
6. carebear
7. nin
Monday, January 02, 2006
Nope, I did not fall off the face of the planet...
Well, Christmas was good and bad...Christmas was kind of hard this year with the breakup from my wife Marianne, but it was good to be with my family, got some neat stuff, and got to hang with my nephews and nieces.
I went to Carrot River (my hometown) on the 23rd…had new years eve service with my family, ate, ate some more, got some presents, ate some more, had Christmas with my family, ate some more, and visited with my brothers, nephews, and various other relatives.
Spent the night at my brother Kel’s place and got to spend some more time with my nephews playing Toy Story 2 on the computer, and playing Lego, slot cars, and trains with my nephews Caleb, and Jonathan…very cool…Left Carrot River on the 28th…
I was going to go to Winnipeg before I went out to Carrot River but ended up going right after. Marianne's mom and dad invited me for supper on the 29th, so I left Carrot River on the 28th, drove to 'Toon town, ended up snagged at work, came home at 6:00, washed clothes, and then at midnight was back on the road without any sleep :) When I got to Winnipeg I was up for 24 hours...by the time I got to sleep I had been up for a lot more than that…I have a new appreciation for "health drinks" namely Monster, Full Throttle, and Rockstar...I drank a LOT of those...when I got down there, I had supper with the in-laws and a sort of after Christmas with my sister and nieces in law, as well as my in-laws mom and dad…the next day had breakfast with my buddy Dean who came to the Lord after I did from Thompson as well and hung out with him for the day. Was great to see where he works, went to the Winnipeg library (just had to check my hotmail), and got to go to a real neat Jamaican Restaurant. I drove out to and spent the rest of the day and slept the night out at Marianne's mom and dad's place 1/2 hour from Winnipeg, then the next day had brunch with my friend Dean, went to a hockey game with my buddy him and his family, (His boy was playing) hmmm...then came back to his place for supper…we watched Team Canada beat the US...then I spent the new year eve with Chuck Sheridan and Bondslave MC...got to meet a lot of the brothers there...spent the night at Dean’s place…then went to church with Chuck Sheridan at the Zion Apostolic Church where I ran into a girl from my hometown (weird huh?) named Carrie who was a childhood friend. Our parents were good friends as well. Wild to see her married with kids…we went out for a Chinese buffet, and then I went for tea with my sister in law, and then I drove back late yesterday afternoon...arrived early this morning.
Hard to believe I put on over 2000 kilometers this holiday…but it was worth every minute…
I ended up staying a little longer than I had planned, but as my roommate says “Its all Good”...so now I am back and start work tomorrow..."SIGH" oh well...all part of the process of life I guess...can’t wait till next year!
I just need a holiday from my holiday now…
Blessings -Moose